Can you take vitamin D and calcium together? Know the answer here

Can you take vitamin D and calcium together? Know the answer here

Vitamin D and calcium are very important for strengthening our bones and teeth. But many people are confused about whether these two supplements can be taken together or not. This question is important because vitamin D is required for the proper absorption of calcium in our body. This is why doctors often recommend taking them together. Let us know what are the benefits of taking vitamin D and calcium together, how they should be taken, and what things should be kept in mind. 

Why are vitamin D and calcium important?

Vitamin D
Vitamin D is very important for our bones because it helps in absorbing calcium. If there is not enough vitamin D in our body, then calcium will not be used properly, which can weaken the bones. Apart from this, vitamin D also strengthens our immune system, which enables our body to fight diseases. 

Calcium is very important for strengthening our bones and teeth. It keeps our bones healthy and prevents bone-related diseases. Apart from this, calcium also helps our muscles to function properly. It helps the muscles to contract and relax, so that our body works properly.

Can you take them together?
Yes, you can take vitamin D and calcium together. Taking them together may be more beneficial because vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium better. This makes bones and teeth stronger and muscles also function properly. Therefore, taking vitamin D and calcium together is good for our health. Make sure to consume them in the right amount and consult a doctor if needed. 

How and when to take vitamin D:

  • Get it from sunlight: Spending 15-20 minutes in the morning sun is the most natural and easy way to get vitamin D.
  • Take it with food: Take vitamin D supplements with food, you can take it with milk, so that it can be absorbed well in the body.

How and when to take calcium

  • Take with food: Take calcium supplements with food so that it can be absorbed better in the body. It is more beneficial to take it with calcium-rich foods like milk, yogurt, cheese.
  • Take in small portions: Instead of taking a large amount of calcium at once, take it two or three times a day by dividing it into small portions. This helps the body absorb it well.


Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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